Grant Categories

Basic Needs

Mother Cabrini Health Foundation recognizes that it is essential to address the basic needs of New Yorkers. Many individuals and families face significant challenges that impact their ability to achieve good health and well-being including food insecurity, inadequate housing, economic instability, and lack of access to vital social services. Our Basic Needs program aims to support the following essentials so New Yorkers can build healthy lives:

Access to Benefits and Social Services: Improving the ability of all individuals and families, including those ineligible for public benefits, to navigate and utilize essential resources to promote overall health and well-being. This includes building awareness through community engagement, improving resource navigation efforts, strengthening the availability, accessibility, and provision of social services, and supporting innovation.
Economic Security/Mobility: Promoting pathways to financial stability and prosperity through financial literacy and counseling, quality and inclusive jobs training and education, access to safe and affordable financial services, asset-building, and emergency financial assistance.
Housing: Supporting services and interventions to keep vulnerable New Yorkers of all abilities safe and stably housed in quality and affordable housing, including homelessness prevention, housing rehabilitation, and supportive and transitional housing models. Mother Cabrini Health Foundation does not support the physical development of housing.
Food and Nutrition: Supporting interventions to improve access to healthy, affordable, and culturally appropriate food and nutrition education for New Yorkers experiencing food insecurity or diet-related health conditions and chronic disease. This includes support for long-term solutions that promote equitable nutrition security for all.